Playday Saddle Series
March 23 - April 27 - May 25 - June 1 Awards
Saddles awarded to each age group (excluding lead line)
MUST compete in ALL 3 Playdays to be eligible for prizes
Events vary each playday
FREE registration 9-10am | PAID registration 10:30-11:45am
Lead Line starts 12pm | Playday follows afer
Age Group - Lead Line 7 & under, 8-13 yrs, 14-18 yrs, 19-44 yrs, 45 & older
Entry fee waived if you attend Cross Brand Service day of the event . MUST be present and receive a wrist band. Negative coggins required. Go to Cross Brand Playday Saddle Series Facebook group for rules,eligibility and points.
Click the tab below to follow the Playday Facebook Group